Share the Good News

What is the Good News? Read here.

Why should you share the Good News?

You may be thinking, I'm an introvert, I'm too busy, or I'll get rejected, and that's the reason that you have been less than proactive about sharing the good news with those around you. That's true. Sometimes, we do get busy. And it's never easy to tell someone that we are all in need of a savior, especially if you are not the talkative type. But imagine that no one has ever told you the truth, and you were on a path to destruction and eternal separation from god, wouldn't you want to know?

It is by grace, and through our faith in Jesus Christ that we are saved (John: 3:16, John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8) and faith comes from hearing (Romans 10:17). How do we have faith in our Lord Jesus if we have never heard of the gospel? (Romans 10:14)

Not only because it is loving to tell others about our God, but we are commanded to do so (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19). That, alone is good enough of a reason to share the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Good News Chocolate.

The Good News chocolate is a great way to start a conversation about God. Each of the Good News chocolate bar is accompanied with the message of the good news on the inside wrapper. Give your loved ones, neighbors and/or those who may not know so closely but cross paths with frequently the Good News chocolate. And together, proclaim the good news of our Lord.